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Our 8 types of food to enjoy this summer to drink less water

Our 8 types of food to enjoy this summer to drink less water

Water-rich food: After a long summer day of exercise and work, you quickly become dehydrated. The heat wave is becoming more and more severe and it is important to drink enough water. But drinking water is a precious resource. So to reduce your water consumption, choose water-rich foods! Our 8 specially selected foods will help you preserve drinking water while hydrating you and improving your health. 

drink less water

Drink less water : Raw vegetables, water-rich and easy to prepare

Whether you’re going on holiday or coming home from work, in summer we all want to keep it simple. Whether it’s for a large table or just for yourself, a vegetable salad only requires repetition and the dressing of your choice. 

Moreover, raw vegetables are rich in water and vitamins. They hydrate us and protect us from many diseases. And if you eat them raw they retain all their healthiness. So grab your chopping board and get inspired by our list of 5 raw vegetables selected especially for you. 


  • You can put two slices of cucumber on your eyelids for your next face mask to moisturise your skin, but don’t forget to use the rest! This vegetable is also a goldmine of goodness. Being 96% water, it is the crunchy and refreshing element to add to your salad.  
  • It is an antioxidant with pain-relieving properties. This means that your sunburns will be relieved quickly. 
  • Rich in vitamins A, B and C, cucumber is the perfect ingredient to give you a boost before a game o fvolleyball.
  • It gives you good breath and reduces stress. Perfect before a job interview.


  • No, carrots don’t just make you nice! Composed of 90% water, rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, carrots hydrate you and also improve your eye health. Effective when you want to watch your children at the beach. 
  • Its antioxidants and carotenoids are effective in the fight against colon, stomach and breast cancer.  
  • It will give you a beautiful complexion and protect you from the sun. Indeed, many dietary supplements that prepare your body for long-term exposure to the sun are rich in beta-carotene. 


  • A little gazpacho or tomato juice in summer are two examples of a refreshing and healthy drink. The tomato is a fruit rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. It is a food rich in iron, calcium and magnesium. It is also 95% water. 
  • Or how about a good tomato salad with mozzarella? Tomatoes are anti-cancer, they protect your cardiovascular health and facilitate transit. Make the most of the season and enjoy this juicy and invigorating fruit.
  • Why not prepare a lettuce salad with chopped tomatoes? Tomatoes lower your risk of diabetes and make you look good. 


  • Perfect for an aperitif, radishes can be eaten endlessly. It’s crunchy, delights us and hydrates us. Rich in water, radishes can be eaten with or without seasoning and are sure to refresh you.
  • Rich in vitamin B, C, potassium and sodium, it is a great source of energy. 
  • Radish is effective against colds and fever. Being sick in the summer is no fun, so eating radishes will help protect you. 


  • Celery is full of water and essential oil. It hydrates you and protects you against viral infections. 
  • Fancy a bloody mary? Take a bite out of a chilled celery. The essential oils have a calming and restful effect. Perfect when you want to kick back. 
  • Celery is a diuretic. So say goodbye to all your toxins and hello to a stronger heart, liver and kidneys than ever. 
drink less water

Citrus fruits, ideal for your fruit salads and when you want to drink less water

You’ve just had a nice, fresh, light meal but you’re still a little hungry? For a sweet craving, nothing beats a fruit salad filled with citrus fruits. Here are some citrus fruits that are perfect for a Mediterranean diet. 


  • At 90% water, grapefruit is a delicious ingredient that will add some pep to your fruit salads or eaten on its own in the morning to start your day. 
  • Grapefruit is also an antiseptic. It fights infections and facilitates healing. Grapefruit is a source of hydration and repairs your scratches in a flash. So don’t hesitate to spend some time this summer. 


  • There’s something for everyone: sweet, sour and in a variety of colours, oranges hold a special place in the hearts of the French. Composed of 85% water, oranges are a juice that we drink in the morning, a fruit that we like to enjoy in our salads or a surprising seasoning in our savoury dishes. 
  • Like other citrus fruits and raw vegetables, oranges are rich in vitamins. It strengthens our immune system against viral infections. 


  • 92% water in this fresh fruit that is so pleasant to eat as a snack. Watermelon is such a  sweet fruit always appreciated in summer. 
  • This lycopene-rich fruit improves the health of our bones and will make you even more energetic to start your summer days. 

Here are some examples to inspire you this summer, so enjoy all these delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables. Whether it’s salads, juices or cold soups, these delectable, water-rich foods are sure to quench your thirst on a hot summer’s day while pleasing your taste buds.

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The preservation of clean water and access to it for all is at the heart of Less Saves The Planet’s commitments. You can now read Chapter 4 SAVING WATER AND THE EARTH from our book Less Saves The Planet available for free. The entire book is also available on our website.

See you soon for our next article!

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