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Kombucha, the drink to adopt

Kombucha, the drink to adopt

Kombucha seems to have originated in China. This drink, like kefir, is also widespread in eastern Russia and Ukraine. Kombucha has become very popular in recent years and owes its reputation to this group of probiotic bacteria that provide many benefits to the body. So don’t wait any longer! Discover what kombucha is and the benefits it brings you.

Kombucha, a drink that stands the test of time

This fizzy, tangy drink is reminiscent of cider with a vinegary aftertaste. Kombucha mushrooms have a slightly slimy consistency and can be confusing at first without practice. The mushrooms grow and produce a top layer. Eventually you will find that it is very easy to split. 

This slightly slimy substance is grown in sweet black tea away from light and impurities. Over time it breaks down into two layers, a white layer exposed to the air and a more colored layer that sinks to the bottom of the bottles used for fermentation. This will give you the gas side of kombucha. Kombucha contains many ingredients. It contains not only amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also enzymes and antioxidants.

The benefits of kombucha

Consumed regularly, kombucha provides many benefits to your health and well-being on a daily basis thanks to the bacteria present in kombucha. It has multiple benefits.

Kombucha promotes digestive comfort and stimulates intestinal flora 

Kombucha’s first and most popular benefit: Positive effects on digestion. Composed mainly of yeast and bacteria, kombucha helps to naturally nourish the intestinal flora and strengthen it more effectively against agents, promotes digestion and facilitates the absorption and assimilation of nutrients contained in food while helping to regulate passage.

For the digestive benefits of kombucha, take it after meals to avoid bloating and other digestive disorders

Black tea, from which kombucha is made, is also a diuretic and helps to naturally eliminate toxins and waste that accumulate in the body over time. Kombucha helps eliminate pathogens. which have a strong antibacterial effect. According to a study conducted in the Netherlands by the Institute of Nutrition and Food, kombucha helps fight harmful bacteria.

Kombucha fights free radicals and oxidative stress and contains many nutrients

Its abundance of antioxidants, especially the polyphenols found in tea, help fight the formation of free radicals

These factors lead to the generation of oxidative stress, accelerate cellular aging and are involved in certain diseases. While kombucha is traditionally made with black tea, green tea can also be incorporated into the preparation. If used, we recommend mixing the two types of tea to retain all the properties of kombucha.

Kombucha contributes to the maintenance of normal functioning of the immune system

Of course, these virtues must be combined with a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Kombucha is a healthy way to hydrate your body

Don’t like adding water to your daily hydration routine? It contains sugar, but at a much lower percentage than other drinks, 30-50 g per liter.

The pleasant, fizzy side can be flavored and complemented with other flavors. And if you make your own, you can mix and match the flavors you like best to create a custom drink that suits you and your family! You can also create original cocktails.

The recipe for kombucha 

  1. Bring 1 liter of spring water to a boil.
  2. Put the sugar in a bowl, add the black tea and green tea, and pour in water. Let stand for 10 minutes. Stir well so that the sugar dissolves.
  3. Strain the tea into a glass or carboy. Add the remaining spring water to cool the drink.
  4. Add the previous drink as a starter to make a new drink. Alternatively, if you only have mushrooms and no drink, use apple cider vinegar. white part on top.
  5. Mushrooms usually float, but you can go down or sideways. New molds can often be found on the surface at the end of fermentation.
  6. Wait 7 to 10 days depending on the temperature.
  7. The mushrooms are then removed, poured into bottles with mechanical stoppers and stored in the refrigerator.
  8. Rinse the glass well with hot water and begin the next round.

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