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Anthony Delon

Anthony Delon

There is no need to introduce Anthony Delon anymore! The Franco-American actor has outshined himself in French films that have left their marks like La vérité si je mens ! or Polisse. With Agathe Godard, he revealed another side of himself: a citizen committed to the environment.

What are your best eco-friendly resolutions for 2021?

They are the same as last year! I intend to use less plastic and sort my waste. I really want to save as much water as I can. As for my eating habits, I am trying to eat less red meat.

In which area would you like to witness environmental innovations?

I am dearly concerned by 3 areas: renewable energies, food and transport, particularly maritime transport. I really think the food industry should continue its ecological transition.

Can you tell us about your eco-friendlier living?

I sort waste. I don’t drink out of plastic bottles. I take shower instead of bath. I usually turn off the water tap when I’m washing my teeth. I don’t have a car anymore so I travel by foot or bike, as much as possible.

Which Green public figure inspires you the most?

If I had to choose one, it would 100% be Al Gore. He was the 45th Vice President of the United States. He was involved in a number of initiatives related to the environment. In 2007, he even received the Nobel Peace Prize.  

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