Less Saves The Planet

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The first Less Saves The Planet event took place on 19 September 2018.

This exceptional evening took place at the Hotel Métropole Monte-Carlo, recognized for more than ten years as one of the pioneers for its actions in favor of environmental protection in the Principality.

The evening began with a cocktail hosted by the iconic Goutatoo Chefs Association and followed by a gala dinner served at the Odyssey space designed by Karl Lagerfeld.

The new, healthy and tasty menu was designed by Chef Joël Robuchon, the most starred chef in the world with 32 macaroons and executed by the head of the Metropole Monte-Carlo hotel, Christophe Cussac.

The whole evening was animated by Fadi Joseph Abou and Flavio Bucciarelli, the two founders of the Less Saves The Planet movement and by the Mayor of Monaco, Mr Georges Marsan.

On this occasion, the book “Less Saves The Planet” written by Fadi Joseph Abou and Flavio Bucciarelli was presented.

This book makes its readers aware of new codes of conduct and consumption.

It is aimed primarily at professionals in the hotel and restaurant industry in order to unite them around a common goal.

It offers information on the impact of our food choices on our planet but especially advice easily applicable in an establishment to act concretely on our environment.


A large number of influential French, Monegasque and Swiss journalists such as Paris Match, La Revue, Gilles Pudlowski, Le Monde, La Revue Limite, Jesus Magazine and Monaco Matin Around twenty Michelin-starred chefs such as Jacques le Divellec, Edgard Bovier and Jean-Marc Bessire have chosen to turn to healthy, tasty and eco-friendly cuisine.

To support this project, many Monegasque personalities as well as the Ceos and Vice-presidents of the global hotel groups participated in the evening.

À cette occasion a été présenté l’ouvrage “Less Saves The Planet” écrit par Fadi Joseph Abou et Flavio Bucciarelli.

Ce livre sensibilise ses lecteurs à de nouveaux codes de conduite et de consommation.

Il s’adresse avant tout aux professionnels de l’hôtellerie et de la restauration afin de les fédérer autour d’un objectif commun.

Il offre des informations sur l’impact de nos choix alimentaires sur notre planète mais surtout des conseils facilement applicables dans un établissements pour agir concrétement sur notre environnement.

Etaient présents

Pour soutenir ce projet, de nombreuses personnalités Monégasque ainsi que les CEO et VicePrésidents des groupes hôteliers mondiaux ont participé à la soirée.

Un grand nombre de journalistes influents français, monégasques et suisses tels que Paris Match, La Revue, Gilles Pudlowski, Le Monde, La Revue Limite, Jesus Magazine ou encore Monaco

Matin. Une vingtaine de chefs étoilés tels que Jacques le Divellec, Edgard Bovier ou Jean-Marc Bessire ont fait le choix de se tourner vers une cuisine saine, savoureuse et écoresponsable.

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